Automatic X-Invoice Processor - automatically process Factur-X files
The complete solution for automated processing of Factur-X invoices
Automatically rename, move and copy Factur-X files Automatically print and email Factur-X files Automatically save Factur-X file attachments and extracted data

Monitor folders - automatically process Factur-X files according to individual rules

Automatic X-Invoice Processor

Automatic X-Invoice Processor is the solution for the automated processing of Factur-X invoices. With its wide range of features, this powerful tool offers various ways to optimize and streamline your e-invoicing processes. You can monitor an unlimited number of folders to automatically print, rename, or move incoming e-invoices into dynamically named folders. Numerous invoice data can be used to incorporate this information into the file path or name.

The Factur-X files to be processed can be filtered specifically for each profile using various filters, including invoice data and general file information. Take advantage of the numerous possibilities and let the intelligent processing of your Factur-X files support you.

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Monitor any number of folders

Examine incoming Factur-X files and apply individual rules

Store Factur-X files in a structured manner

Automatically rename Factur-X files and save them in dynamically created folders

Print Factur-X files automatically

Send certain Factur-X invoices directly to the printer

Optional further processing

Perform subsequent tasks, e.g., run a program with the filename of the Factur-X file passed as parameter

With Automatic X-Invoice Processor, you can:

  • Print, rename, move, or copy Factur-X files automatically (from one or multiple folders)
  • Send Factur-X files automatically by email (also with additional attachments)
  • Store embedded XML attachments in any folder for archiving
  • Automatically extract data from Factur-X invoices and save as CSV file
  • Monitor any number of folders (hot folder monitoring)
  • Create individual rules for different tasks
  • Filter by invoice data or file info
  • Create the storage location (storage folder) dynamically from Factur-X invoice properties
  • Get informed about different processing statuses by email
  • Limit the automatic processing of Factur-X files to certain days and times, for example, to print only during office hours
  • Perform subsequent actions e.g., start a program with the path of the saved Factur-X file or attachment as a parameter
  • Process all already existing Factur-X files of a folder (with user-defined criteria)
  • Sort Factur-X files automatically respectively have them moved to another folder and sub-folder created dynamically from file properties
  • Send or store an Excel report with an overview and detailed information on a regular basis

Automatically print Factur-X files

Automatic X-Invoice Processor - print settings

Automatic X-Invoice Processor monitors the specified folders and sends all Factur-X files that meet the previously defined criteria to the respective printer as soon as they are detected. For each profile, you can define individual settings for the print output. For example, you can print Factur-X invoices on various printers or in varying quality. Furthermore, you can specify that only certain pages of a Factur-X file should be printed automatically (e.g., print only the first or last page of a Factur-X invoice).

Rename/Move Factur-X files automatically

Automatic X-Invoice Processor - batch rename Factur-X files

With the Automatic X-Invoice Processor, all new or existing Factur-X files can be automatically renamed. Invoice data can be used to insert information at any position within the file name. The name of the PDF or XML files can also be entirely composed of extracted data from the respective invoice. For instance, you can insert the extracted invoice date at the beginning of the file name and then sort the renamed invoice into a folder named after the invoice year.

Automatically extract invoice data

Automatic X-Invoice Processor - extraction settings

The program allows for the automatic extraction of data from Factur-X invoices. For example, it can extract invoice number, date, amount, IBAN, and more, and save the data in a CSV file. The column order can be predefined. CSV files can be created individually for each invoice or, alternatively, the extracted invoice data can be appended line by line to a cumulative CSV file.

Automatically send Factur-X files via e-mail

Automatic X-Invoice Processor - email settings

Automatic X-Invoice Processor supports automated sending of Factur-X files via email. You can send Factur-X files to one or more recipients with a predefined message text and additional attachments. Dynamic content, i.e., extracted data, can additionally be integrated into the message text. The program supports sending emails through an SMTP server, an Exchange server, or the Outlook standard account.

The email address of the recipient can be specified as follows:

  • A fixed email address or an email address from a data placeholder
  • An email address from a CSV mapping (also from extracted data, such as reading the email address based on the extracted customer number from a CSV file)

An individual attachment can also be added to the document to be sent, for example, a delivery bill. In this case, the file names of both documents must contain the same identifier, for example, the invoice number.

Automate e-invoice processing among others:

Factur-X files

Factur-X files

Factur-X files

Factur-X files



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