Write recurring phrases significantly faster
by using text blocks

AutoText Master

AutoText Master allows the use of text modules in almost all applications. The software helps in typing of frequently used text passages, complicated terminology or text blocks in which only one value, such as a date or name is to be entered via an input mask and represents a sophisticated alternative to the rather rudimentary Word AutoText.

With AutoText Master, AutoTexts or text blocks can clearly be organized in various catalog files and groups and be used by a keyboard shortcut or a text shortcut in a variety of applications. Groups can be displayed as selection menu in any application to make it easier to access the contained AutoText entries. The program also enables the sharing of a catalog by using a database server or by synchronizing a shared folder (for example via Dropbox).

Increase productivity

Create reusable AutoText templates and use them with a single action at lightning speed

Share catalogs with other users

always use the latest version of a text module by sharing a catalog on the network

Use selection dialogs

Display pick lists, input fields etc. to conveniently complement text templates

Exactly controlled usage

Restrict the application of text blocks to specific programs by using flexibly adjustable filters

With AutoText Master you can:

  • manage text modules or AutoTexts comfortably and clearly
  • use text building blocks outside of Word
  • specify custom text shortcuts and keyboard shortcuts for specific applications
  • prevent the AutoText use in certain programs or allow the usage only in those
  • use several catalogs in order to simplify the organization of various categories
  • share catalogs with other people to use formulations prescribed for a specific purpose or the most current formulations
  • display pick lists and input fields, for example to enter only the daily date in a text block
  • conveniently import text modules from text and CSV files - the program supports the import of multi-line CSV values
  • use completion suggestions when typing and thus use AutoTexts without entering a keyboard or text shortcut

Extensive setting options

AutoText Master offers extensive possibilities for the configuration of a text module. For example, three different formats are available for the output of an AutoText: Text to output plain text, RTF for outputting text with RTF formatting (e.g., a background color or an italic font style) as well as HTML as third format for outputting HTML formatted text and images.

Furthermore can be determined, whether the output of a text block should be triggered by a keyboard shortcut or a text shortcut. By supporting different font colors as well as embedded images, HTML and RTF formatted AutoTexts are suitable, for example for the use of different signatures in Outlook. Furthermore, it is conceivable to use a text block with mixed content in Word or equally any RTF editor such as WordPad.

For whom is AutoText Master suitable?

The term text module refers to text passages, which are part of many texts, for example because of high generality. These may be, among other idioms, phrases or legal texts. Text blocks can also be extensive templates only to be supplemented by individual data, such as an amount or a salutation. If a text block is used a certain number of times, the writing speed can be significantly increased through the use of a text module management. Further information

AutoText Master is aimed at users who have to write a lot every day and want to optimize this process as much as possible, to gain time for other tasks. The typical purpose of the program is the support for writing reports or business letters, creating documentations and replying to emails. There are also a large number of individual applications for text modules, such as correcting frequent typos in a particular word or the use of pick lists, for example to allow access to an address or the like with one keystroke. Each text module, once set up, saves more and more time in the future and facilitates the work.

Selectively insert text blocks

The use of a text block can be limited by filters to prevent unwanted output. For this, the window title and the path of the currently active application can be used. Furthermore, it is advisable to put a special character such as the pound symbol before a text shortcut to prevent that an insertion of a text block is triggered, only because the abbreviation was part of the word entered.

In many cases, only a few data change within common output text blocks, such as address, date or amount. Then it makes sense to allow data entry via a mask in order to ensure, for example, correct spelling or formatting. Using text blocks can save you among other things, a possible lookup for data in an earlier document.

Jointly use text building blocks

AutoText Master supports the sharing of a catalog. For this, there are two options available: Firstly, the use of a database server that can be accessed via network from all workstations and secondly, the sharing of a catalog using a special folder that is synchronized by Dropbox & Co. Thus, version conflicts such as the use of outdated templates at some places can be avoided. New text blocks can be deployed centralized in one place and, if necessary, exclusively by an authorized person.